International Workshop on Model-driven Robot Software Engineering (MORSE)

The 7th International Workshop on Model-driven Robot Software Engineering at STAF'20

This year’s first edition of the workshop series will be held at STAF’20 in Bergen.

Important Dates

Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, we have to cancel this event for this year.

Call for Papers

Robots are an indispensable part of modern production facilities. In the future, robots will also become more common in daily life. Currently, however, there is a lack of standardization w. r. t. hardware/software platforms for robots, leading to a vast landscape of isolated, incompatible, task-specific and, thus, non-reusable solutions. Consequently, there is a need for new engineering methodologies for the design, implementation and execution of software for robotic platforms.

Model-Driven Robot Software Engineering (MORSE) is a promising research field combining Software Engineering and Robotics. Its objectives are to introduce model-driven development methodologies for the development of robot software. At the same time, formal methods should be transferred to robotics because “robot apps” must be certified and verified. MORSE attempts to fill this gap.

Topics of Interest

Submissions are encouraged, but not limited, in the following topics:

Robotic Platforms: MDA, Models, Processes and Tools
Models for and Modelling in Robotics
Robot Ecosystems and Total Cost of Ownership
Model-Driven Quality Assurance of Robotic Systems
Multi-Robot Systems


The workshop participants will be selected based on their experience and ideas related to this maturing field. You are invited to apply for attendance by sending:

All papers must conform to the LNCS formatting guidelines, which can be found here. Artifacts will be published in ReMoDD, the repository for model-driven development. At least three PC members will review each submission. The authors will be notified about acceptance before the STAF 2020 early registration deadline.

You can submit your papers via EasyChair.


All papers will be published as IEEE proceedings.


Program Committee


MORSE 2020 Program
